SITML has evolved into its dynamic force over a period of 50 years of concentrated efforts and partnerships with diversified international conglomerates. The company’s operations range to various fields, such as aviation, manufacturing, trading, real estate, investment, insurance, communication, technical maintenance and construction defence. However, SITML as we know it today has been officially incorporated in 1997 , as a Limited Liability Company based in Saudi Arabia and owned by Late Sheik Abedlelah Kaki and family
These digital replicas are what we refer to as Smart Digital Realities and can be of anything – rooms, buildings, machinery, streets, or even cities. This digitalisation of the world around us allows us to interact with it virtually, reducing the demand for labour, minimising rework, and conserving resources when applied to a variety of workflows.
15th November 2023, 0930 – 1630
Jeddah Hilton
Al Kurnaysh Br Rd, Ash Shati,
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Event Agenda
Details will be updated soon!
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