Probing and Scanning
Specialised for high-accuracy probing while also compatible with the entry-level HP-L-8.9 Laser Scanner, the Absolute Arm 6-Axis offers the multifunctionality that can lead to clear productivity improvements.
Absolute Encoders
The renowned Absolute Encoders placed in every articulated joint of the Absolute Arm make it the only portable measuring arm on the market to completely eliminate encoder referencing and frustrating system warm-up times, boosting productivity while delivering high-end accuracy.
Advanced Materials
Built on a foundation of high-tech carbon-fibre tube construction, the Absolute Arm maintains strength and thermal stability under any environmental conditions, offering reliable accuracy whatever the environment.
Effortless Movement
Intuitively located infinite-rotation low-friction grips have been designed to maximise accuracy by minimising user fatigue and making every movement light and easy to handle – together with a sophisticated counterbalance system, the Absolute Arm is the most agile arm on the market.
Essential Security
Stow and lock in place the Absolute Arm between measurements with the HomeDock and SmartLock functions, ensuring that scanners and probes remain undamaged and factory-accurate.
User Feedback
In even the harshest industrial environments, communicating with the Absolute Arm in a way that keeps the measurement process running at full speed and efficiency has never been more simple, through our range of visual, acoustic and haptic feedback functions.
Absolute Portability
Even the largest Absolute Arm 6-Axis systems weigh only 9.5 kilograms, making setup and repositioning a quick and easy process, while the functionally designed and shock-resistant carry case keeps everything secure during transport.
ISO Certification
The probing accuracy of the Absolute Arm 6-Axis is certified to ISO 10360-12 as standard.
Technological Foundation
Built upon years of portable measuring arm technology, the Absolute Arm 6-Axis is the latest in a long line of market-leading articulated measuring arms, from the ROMER Arm to the ROMER Absolute Arm and now beyond.
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