Develop inspection programs using CAD models with PC-DMIS CAD with any kind of model – from simple 2D drawings to the most complex solid 3D models. Import and export CAD data in almost any format and work directly with native CAD models. Plus, powerful CAD-based tools help develop and debug the inspection programs, slashing the time spent writing them by up to 90%.

SKU: PC-DMIS Pro-1 Category:


PC-DMIS CAD extracts part data directly from the models. Inspection routines are simplified and error-proofed by pointing and clicking on those models of the parts. This virtually eliminates mistakes related to bad data entry or misinterpreting hard copy blueprints.

PC-DMIS adapts CAD capabilities to inspection. This doesn’t mean that PC-DMIS CAD is a CAD system – it’s a powerful metrology software that fits CAD to the job of inspecting and evaluating parts.
The software lets you graphically test and debug your inspection routines before they run on the machine. PC-DMIS CAD animates probe paths and lets you edit them on the fly, it includes accurate kinematic modeling of most CMMs, and, when working with solid models, it automatically detects probe collisions with parts and fixtures.

PC-DMIS CAD supports multiple protocols for linking to CAD. It can be neutral like IGES or STEP or it can be CAD system native like UG or CATIA or something in between like DMIS. Whatever the format, PC-DMIS CAD has a solution to handle it.

Built into the baseline packages are pre and post processors supporting widely recognized standard formats like IGES, STEP and DMIS. Translators tailored to specific CAD systems like UG and CATIA are available as options. For the most demanding applications, there are Direct CAD Interfaces (DCIs). DCIs link directly to the CAD database and let customers work directly with their models from PC-DMIS with no translation. No other metrology software comes close to giving users this kind of versatility and flexibility in linking to CAD.


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