Centralised point cloud project storage and access with ultra-high-speed rendering.
Leica JetStream provides state-of-the-art point cloud project performance and big data management for Leica CloudWorx users. JetStream overcomes the biggest challenges in productivity, ease-of use and scalability of ever increasingly large laser scan point cloud data inside of CAD systems.
JetStream’s technology innovations deliver a completely new experience for point clouds in CAD. The instant open, all-the-points, all-the-time, paradigm is a revolutionary leap forward in performance. It drives better comprehension, increased productivity and removes the frustration and confusion of previously available solutions.
JetStream’s streamlined project management completely insulates the CAD user from needing laser scanning expert knowledge. JetStream‘s centralised project storage simplifies and streamlines a team-work approach for unlimited sized workgroups.
Features and Benefits
- File sizes 5x to 10x smaller than traditional storage
- Instant loading and rendering of any sized project
- Pan and Zoom show, all-the-points, all-the-time
- Optimised bandwidth ensure fast network access
- “Ease-of-use” design simplifies using point clouds
- Centralised data storage and access removes duplication of data, simplifies back-ups and management, saves time and money
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